Sunday, December 20, 2020

To One of The Boys I Loved Before: Bittersweet


I just have to say this this one time at least: you were my Epic Love Story. Thank you for that. Even though that time was bittersweet, and it was all shades of complicated, I’m truly grateful for it. Looking back over my life now (like I found myself doing in the wee hours of today), I realized that I’m not sad or regretful or (what’s that word I’m looking for?) any of those things. I actually had my fireworks and clouds parting and butterflies and that oh so beautiful feeling in your heart that fills it to bursting. I had Love and I’m so grateful for that. Did it happen how I dreamed it would? No. did it end in happily ever after? No. did it come with lots of tears and heart ache? Hell yes. Did it hurt? You bet. Did it take sacrifices and indeed all of my everything? Yes. Did it break me? Yes, it did. But I wouldn’t give it up to take all those things away. Because I realized only a heart that has loved can break. Only a heart that’s been loved, truly loved, can understand that sweet, sweet ache. And the best part? I know you loved me. You loved me as I was, with all my baggage and flaws and imperfections. You loved me. No one else has ever loved me that way, completely and unconditionally and totally. No one. Not before and not since. Thank you for that. you’ll always have a piece of my heart because you were The One. You were my Epic Love Story.


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