Friday, January 28, 2011

Just for a while....

I stole this one from a very emosh episode of Eastenders. I fell in love with it 'cos it's beautiful and just strikes you deep down...

"I will lend you, for a little while,
a child of mine" He said
"For you to love the while he lives,
and mourn for while he's dead.
It may be six or seven years,
or twenty-two or three,
but will you,
till I call him back
take care of him for me?"

"He'll bring his charm
to gladden you,
and should his stay be brief,
you'll have his lovely memories
as solace for your grief.

"I cannot promise he will stay,
since all from earth must return,
but there are lessons taught down there
I want the child to learn."

"I've looked the wide world over,
in search of teachers true,
and from the throngs that cloud life's lanes,
I have selected you!"

"I will lend you, for a little while,
a child of mine" He said...

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

I looked into the eyes
of a mad woman,
and it took me into her mind,
and it was oh so beautiful,
and serene,
with tender and soft places,
offering comfort
from the crazy world with-out,
and it begged to linger,
take a rest,
put my feet up,
cushion my head,
forget my worries,
and for just one tiny, bitty moment
pretend that the world was normal again....