Tuesday, March 16, 2010

All we ever had was a lie...

All we ever had was a lie....
..how do you loose someone who was never yours?
I wonder what went wrong,
How it all went wrong.
One moment you were here
And the next you were gone!
All I can remember are the echoes of those words,
"love you loads"
I guess sometimes love isn't always enough,
I can't even put my finger on the exact moment it happened,
When 'we' ended and your life with another began
How did both lives merge into each other so smoothly,
Where did one end and the other begin?!
Where did 'we' go wrong?
What happened to us?!
Was it me?
Was it the things I did?
What did I leave undone?
Or was it that I did too much,
Gave more than anyone should.
Maybe it wasn't a matter of not loving you enough,
I probably loved you too much it spoiled you,
And like a spoilt child,
You had to go in search of the glitter
Leaving behind the shattered pieces that once were my heart

Have you ever had your heart broken into a million pieces,
And then someone came along and ground them underfoot
And the wind blew away what was left of it
So you know your heart would never heal
'cos you'll never ever get all the pieces together again.
They say first cut is the deepest,
But I guess the next is worse
'cos old wounds opened hurt even more,
Especially when the knife widens and deepens it
That kind of pain keeps on hurting and never stops
'cos you wonder how you could have been so stupid again,
Cos the prince you actually thought was more man than the last
Is actually the monster you flee
First cut is the deepest
But it leaves you alive enough
For the next one to kill you...

"Trust me", you said.
"You're safe with me, you have nothing to be afraid of, I'll never hurt you..."
I wonder where all those promises went to,
If you even remember them, if you can even recall that night,
Or all the other moments that I held dear,
If they even meant anything to you at all.
I wonder if you ever think about us, if there was any 'us' for you anyway,
I wonder what you think of when I come to mind, if I ever come to mind at all.
I wonder what I ever meant to you,
Was I just another passing fancy?
Just another pretty face,
Just another conquest for your male ego
I guess I"ll never know,
I"ll never get answers to the questions,
'cos you're long gone,
like a dream that never was,
like a fflitting shadow......

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