Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Through 'My' Looking Glass Version 1.3

Read Version 1.2 here
Consciousness:  that annoying time between naps. 
~Author Unknown

It took me an extra thirty minutes to find a spot to park after getting to Ahmadu Bello way. When I finally got to the Galleria, I called Ayoade and he told me he was at the ticket stands. I didn’t get the chance to tell him I was in no mood for a movie, there was too much noise and I could hardly hear him. Thank God I was at least able to ascertain that I still had the real Ayoade and not the – what?! - Alter ego?! Have I mentioned that this is all crazy?! Well, now I’m saying it: crazy does not even begin to describe it!
The ground floor of the Galleria was a bee hive of activity and it looked like a party of sorts was going on. At first, I thought it was the monthly Salsa open-floor thingy but then I remembered that was held on Sunday evenings. There was music, as in loud music and the floor space was packed! The effect of the crowd was multiplied by the mirrors that had been placed around the usually open space forming a continuous wall. As soon as I stepped in, I lost all sense of direction and the entrance was lost in the crazy maze of reflecting walls. I wondered how they had managed to pull it off, I couldn’t even see the stairways that led up to the galleries! The crowd didn’t seem to mind one bit and the party raged on around me. Frantic, I called Ayoade again.
            “Where are you?! It’s crazy down here!”
            “Don’t worry, I can see you. Will be with you in a sec!”
I sincerely hoped he was seeing the real me and not one of the thousand reflections of me! After a few more minutes of being shoved around by the dancing bodies around me, I finally saw him waving to me across the room. I heaved a huge sigh of relief and inched my way towards him, not daring to lose sight of him for one second!
            “Sorry, ‘scuse me.” I said as I eased around a couple. Then I walked smack into a mirror! I have never been the graceful type and the force of the collision sent me sprawling into the couple behind me.
            “Sorry!” I gasped.
            “No worries. Are you alright?” the guy helped me up.
            “Yeah, thanks!”
I looked at the mirror in confusion. Ayoade was walking towards me, worry written all over his face. He was saying something but I couldn’t hear him above the noise. I spun away from the mirror and there he was coming towards me from across the room! Bloody reflections I muttered, heading off towards him. Then I caught a glimpse of him from my left and I swivelled instinctively. He wove as if to catch my attention and a dozen arms wove at me around the room. I stopped dead in my tracks and took a slow look around. Sure enough, there he was, still walking towards me from every possible corner of my mirrored hell.
            “Hey, pretty girl!”
I spun around. Where had his voice come from?! I pushed through the crowd frantically and stopped dead at another mirror. I headed in another direction. Dead end. Was I the only crazy one?! Didn’t anyone else feel weird about this place?!
            “I’m over here!”
I spun towards the voice and collided with another dancing couple.
            “Sorry! Excuse me.”
I finally came within touching distance of him but dunno, something made me hesitate. He smiled then and reached out a hand to me.
            “Come on, I’ve got something I want you to see!”
He sounded excited and it was infectious. I smiled back and for a split moment forgot all about the weirdness and madness. I reached for him and in that instant, I saw him. He stepped out of nowhere, as whack as that sounds. He wasn’t there, then he was, like he stepped through air and appeared. He smiled. He was excited as well, but obviously not in a good way. I saw them both, Ayoade and Ayoade, standing side by side, with the dazzling smile I had fallen in love with on both their faces, arms stretched towards me, then I crashed through the mirror.

            *                      *                      *                      *                      *                      *

It felt like a million needles pierced my skin and I screamed. No. That would be an understatement. I have no words to describe the sound that came from me. Every cell in my body screamed with me because the needles pierced every single one and the unearthly sound filled my ears, filled my head, my mind until I thought I would explode. At some point, my fingers brushed something and I grabbed on. Ayoade, I thought. His fingers entwined with mine and pulled me forward. Just when I thought I couldn’t possibly bear it anymore, it all ended abruptly and I crumpled to the ground. After the screaming, the quiet was soothing.
I heard voices and I pried my eyes open slowly. I was lying on the floor of a long, dark corridor. I didn’t take the time to process that information or wonder how on earth I had managed to get there because I saw Ayoade, one of him anyways, and a man I had never seen before disappear around the corner and I jumped to my feet and hurried after them. They seemed to be arguing about something and didn’t seem to notice my presence. I called out to Ayoade but he didn’t seem to hear me. After a while, they finally came to a door and stopped. I stopped as well and from what I could gather, the man wanted Ayoade to open the door but Ayoade was having none of that.
            “I’ll be done in no time.” The man said.
            “I already said no!” Ayoade replied.
            “You’ll have to sort through the mess at some point you know, clean it out!” the man persisted.
            “I said NO!”I flinched. I’d never heard Ayoade raise his voice at anyone that way before. Maybe this was the bad guy, the alter-ego, the evil twin!
            “Just let me…”
            “It’s none of your business!” Ayoade said turning away from the door. He started to walk back the way we had come and I called out to him, wondering what all that was about but he walked right through me! Yes. Right through me as in right through me, like I was a mist or ghost or whatever else you might call me! I gasped in shock but he didn’t even seem to have noticed a thing. Now, if that wasn’t enough to give me a heart attack, I don’t know what else will! I stared at my hand, half expecting it to disappear, telling myself for the umpteenth time that I was indeed crazy.
            “Really shocking, right?!”
And I would have had the second heart attack right then! I had totally forgotten about the man and even if I hadn’t, I didn’t expect him to see me too.
            “You’re wondering if this is real or if you’re crazy, huh?”
Oh God, if I ever wake up from this…
            “You bet this is all real.” He continued. “It is no dream, neither is it your imagination. It is your reality.” He finished calmly.
I just stared at him, knowing right there and then that I had gone stark raving mad.

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