The Lion and the Jewel made English in JSS3 rock!

Cyprian Ekwensi
I remember having to summarize The Drummer Boy in JSS2. I think that was one of the best assignments ever! Dork, abi?!
Elechi Amadi
I remember reading this book in SS1 even though I wasn’t taking Lit in English. I actually read all the texts for Lit students then, and they all thought I was crazy!
Nyengi Koin
She is another beautiful memory from JSS3!
The Pacesetters books were some of my favourites growing up! I remember reading them sometime between junior and senior school.
Sidney Sheldon & Mario Puzo
These I fell in love with after secondary school, while being jambed by JAMB!!! ;)
Barbara Taylor Bradford

I read this series first term SSS1
Danielle Steel
I fell in love with her sometime in senior school, SS2, I think.
Nora Roberts
I think I fell in love with her in SSS3
Sandra Brown
Sandra Brown was my love in those days of Yaba Tech...
Tess Gerritsen
Her books are some of the best medical thrillers out there! Plus you simply have to see the series, Maura and Isles on TV!

And of course, the Harry Porter series! ;D I've read them like a million times over and seen all the movies too!

And some of my favourites for all time…
Francine Rivers

…I wish I could do reviews on some of these books right here but as it is, I can’t even put them all up, I mean these are awesome books!
Ted Dekker

Frank Peretti

the list goes on and on and on, there's R.L Stine, Stephen King (I
lurveeeee that guy!), Tami Hoag, Mary Higgins Clarke, Jefferey Archer, Frederick Forsythe, C.S Lewis, Robin Cook...I guess I've spent the better part of my life with my nose stuck in a book and the truth is, I wouldn't have it any other way! A big thank you to all those wonderful people who have filled my life with magic and adventure, and who have helped bring my imagination to life! <3 <3 <3
So, a very Happy World Book Day to me and everyone out there who just loves a good book!